

Baby DragonX is a set of contracts on Ethereum as follows:

  • Fair launch consisting of 14 days during which $TITANX is used to mint $BDX

  • After the 14 days have completed, the liquidity pair of $DRAGONX/$BDX on Uniswap v3 will be made active and swapping can commence

  • Launch will occur on Thursday 29 February at midnight UTC and the 2 week mint phase will end on Wednesday 13 March at 1159pm UTC

  • Contracts to be renounced after launch to ensure safety to participants

  • The Buy and Burn contract “owns” the LP

  • The Buy and Burn contract will be publicly callable in the same manner as on the TitanX and DragonX dapps

  • Fully transparent tokenomics and allocations

Launch duration and ratios week 1 and 2:

Week #

Token Names




1 : 1



1 : 0.95

Last updated